A Seminar on "Application and Modeling on Mathematics"

A Seminar
Application and Modeling on Mathematics
By: - Uttam Bahadur Tamang

At the primitive time, mathematics was originated from country by using stone and by cutting notches in a piece of sticks or by tying knots in a string. During those days of the distant past, as the primitive human started to settle in colonies and live as social creatures , which gave rise to the need of primitive country and surveying.  Now mathematics has lead to the development of various subject, vocation and technology. Mathematics is an exact science which is still playing an important role in various field so that mathematics as an application and modeling.
An application is a body of knowledge and techniques which has been found to have use in a particular range of problems. Frequently the techniques have developed through work on these problems.
In some cases the situation will be so novel that there is no obvious choice of mathematics to use. Thus two people studying the same situation may bring to bear on it different mathematical knowledge and produce different models. In other cases the position will be less open and the task may be more that of adjusting a known model to fit the new situation. An application may claim a place in the curriculum in their own right as a way of illuminating the situation to which they apply and as a medium for teaching to motivate and stimulate. But once it has been decided to include in the syllabus a particular application then large body of contain must be taught. Actually the process of impressing a real life problem into mathematical form is called mathematical modeling. A real life problem may be related to a physicist, engineer, sociologist, medicine and other streams of life. Even if the house wife also has the opportunity to enjoy with mathematical beauty.
As with problem solving we need a more precise definition. Is there a set of modeling skills? Can they be taught? If so how? How for are these skills of general application, what evidence is there that, if learn in one context, they can transferable to others? Is transfer facilitated by work on a variety of models which use different pure mathematics? How is modeling to be predicted? This must be considered, if modeling is not predicted it will not form a significant part of the teaching of the course. In an actual situation the success of the model in the correctness of the prediction to which it leads is often the crucial test. It is not easy to provide this acid test in the school context. Again, for a number of the situation which might be considered by a pupil at school there may be an effective model which is however, unknown to the students. If the students derive a different, less satisfactory model in such a case should his marks be therefore reduced? As is a process we are trying to teach, then it should be the students’ ability as a modeler that we should try to assess, attempting to judge how successful he will be when faced with a new situation. We know how to teach applications, we have little experience of teaching modeling.
Key issues of Modeling are dealt with, among which are the following:
Epistemology and the relationships between mathematics and the "rest of the world"; the meaning of mathematical modeling and its process components; the respect in which the distinction between pure mathematics and applications of mathematics make sense
Authenticity and Goals dealing with modeling and applications in mathematics teaching; appropriate balance between modeling activities and other mathematical activities; the role that authentic problem situations play in modeling and applications activities
Modeling Competencies: Characterizing how a student's modeling competency can be characterized; identifiable sub-competencies, and the ways they constitute a general modeling competency; developing competency over time
Mathematical Competencies: Identifying the most important mathematical competencies that students should acquire, and how modeling and applications activities can contribute toward building up these competencies; the meaning of "Mathematical Literacy" in relation to modeling
Implementation and Practice: The role of modeling and applications in everyday mathematics teaching; major impediments and obstacles; advancing the use of modeling examples in everyday classrooms; documenting successful implementation of modeling in mathematics teaching
Assessment and Evaluation: Assessment modes that capture the essential components of modeling competency; modes available for modeling and applications courses and curricula; appropriate strategies to implement new assessment and evaluation modes in practice
The contributing authors are eminent members of the mathematics education community. Modeling and Applications in Mathematics Education will be of special interest to mathematics educators, teacher, researchers, education administrators, curriculum developers and student.
We can argued that since must people who use mathematics use an applications and do not have to begin from scratch to create a model, then it is applications that we should teach. In the words school efforts should be concentrated on imparting an appropriate body of knowledge and developing skills in the standard topic of mathematics, or statistics, or both if possible. Teacher in higher education generally, we seem to favour this approach, particularly those who see mathematics as a service subject. It might also be observed that must of us who now press for the teaching of modeling were ourselves brought of an application and have discovered modeling at a later stages.
The opposite extreme, to tried to teach modeling and not to attempt to teach anybody of knowledge of one of the standard applications, if probably equally unrealistic many of the situation which lend themselves to modeling are inevitably ones where there is a standard model or application that works and it will be perverse to insist that no knowledge of that application should be taught, although it would be possible to say that no knowledge of specific parts of the application should be expected in any examination. If therefore the optimum should is some where between the extremes, some knowledge one or more application but with some modeling finding the optimum blend of the two ingredients involves, like other questions about the course assessing the balance of advantage (Hersee,1984). The optimum balance may well be different for different groups of students, possibly reflecting their future career intentions, but since all students in a school are likely to be taught in the same class the same blend will necessarily be offered to all. What is certain is that to include modeling in any significant way requires a substantial allocation of time and this time can only found by reducing the content taught with in the applications, thus inevitably reducing what teachers in higher education may expect the students to have covered. If it is desired to include more than one application in the course, the time available for each application is limited. Experience shows that it is difficult to build of underlying concepts and understanding if as a result the work is hurried or if the content of each application is severely curtailed it is all to easy for any application to become simply a set of standard to be use in standard situation. In recent years this has happened with statistics and with electricity in a level course. Ironically, this time pressures coupled with teachers’ insecurity in teaching ‘new’ application have tended to produce an effect which is contrary to the aim underlying the inclusion of several applications.
          The use of mathematical modeling has increased in recent years specially because of increasing the power of digital computer and new computing models. Now the handling of lengthy computational work is not discouraging the use of mathematical modeling. It is a system and it involves the following steps:
1.     Understanding the problem: In the first of the modeling, the given real-life problems must be understood clearly.
2.     Formulating the model: - To formulate the problems, the variables should be identified as well as classified as dependent and independent variables.
3.     Finding the solution:- In this stage the user have to apply the mathematical knowledge to solve the given problems which has already being expressed in terms of equations and in-equations.
4.     Evaluation of Model:- The results obtained by solving the model equations are compared with the known fact of the given real problem.
         “That aim has a modeling sprit, to show the usefulness and applicability of mathematics and encourage students to use it.”


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